Complete program
Mc Auley Center
4-H judging competition
In the tent
One day dance teacher contest
And dance for everyone!
Winslow tent
Farmers olympics
Coordinated by the 4H
In front of the grandstand
Light horses in the ring (breeds)
4-H conformation in the tent
Main building judging
Draft horse halter classes (breeds)
Behind heavy horses barns
Small animals - in the small animals barn
Sheep and goats - in front of the small animals barn
4-H showmanship classes - in the ten
Light horses performance classes - at light horse ring
Winslow Tent
1pm to 2pm - Dance lessons for kids
2pm to 3pm - Dance for everyone
3pm to 4pm - Dance lessons for kids
4pm to midnight - Dance for everyone
Alumni showmanship judging class
In front of the grandstand
Draft horse hitches
Poney and light horse costume classes
In front of the grandstand
Farm tractors and street trucks pull
With the ASTTQ
In front of the grandstand
Dance with Sligthly Haggard
Mc Auley Center
Light horse performance classes
At light horse ring
Beef cattle judging
Followed by Jackpot class
In front of the grandstand
Dairy cattle judging
In the tent
Winslow tent
10am to 12pm - Dance lessons for kids and beginners
12pm tp 1am - 12 hours of Country dance
Draft and light horse hitches
In front of the grandstand
Music and songs (until 4pm)
with Robert Sandy and Jon Macauley
Between classes in front of the grandstand
Scavenger hunt
Coordinated by the 4H
Departure from the small animals barn
Modified tractors and truck pull
with the ASTTQ
In front of the grandstand
Dance with Sligthly Haggard
Mc Auley center
Performance classes
Light horse ring
Winslow Tent
10:30am - Mascots arrival
11am - Dance lessons for kids
2pm - 2 step dance lesson
3:30pm - WinCrew dance troop demo
4pm - Unveiling of the winner of the picture contest
4pm to 8pm - dance for couples special and dance for everyone
Draft horse’s children classes
In front of the grandstand
Music and songs (until 4pm)
with Robert Sandy and Jon Macauley
Between classes in front of the grandstand
Grand parade
In front of the grandstand
WinCrew dance troop demo
In front of the grandstand
Draft and light horse
4 and 6 horse hitches
Old School Country – 2:30pm to 7pm
Mc Auley center
Mini modified tractors pull
With the Club des p’tits tracteurs de tire modifiés
In front of the grandstand